Comic Book Sex Hall of Fame: Catwoman #1 (Nov 2011)

For a long time, comic books were considered kids’ stuff. The very term “comic book” was coined because they used to be collections of funny children’s newspaper strips. But things have certainly changed in the past 80 years. For example, in 2011, DC Comics hard rebooted their entire universe, and the first issue of Catwoman ended with a four-page scene of her and Batman fucking.

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The issue, by Judd Winick and Guillem March, starts with Catwoman making a hasty getaway as thugs blow up her apartment. She then goes undercover to a Russian mob party, where she seduces and attacks a vicious murderer. Later, she retires to her penthouse suite at the Gotham Hotel Belle Monico, where Batman is waiting for her.

He’s there to check on her after hearing about her apartment, but before he can, she jumps his bones.  He tries to resist, but she forces him into submission (not that he needed much forcing). What follows is a steamy quickie that really embraces the joy of superhero sex. The costumes stay on. Catwoman doesn’t know who Batman is, and she doesn’t want to know, because she doesn’t want to fuck whoever he is under the cowl– she wants to fuck Batman.

Sex in superhero costumes is a pleasure rarely afforded to mortal men and women. I presume it’s prevalent among cosplayers. San Diego in particular must break the world record for most simultaneous costumed orgasms every July.

But the issue caused backlash. A number of readers saw this portrayal of Catwoman as creepily objectified and gratuitously hypersexualized for the pure masturbatory pleasure of its readers. Writer Judd Winick even had to weigh in:

This is a Catwoman for 2011, and my approach to her character and actions reflect someone who lives in our times. And wears a cat suit. And steals. It’s a tale that is part crime story, part mystery and part romance. In that, you will find action, suspense and passion. Each of those qualities, at times, play to their extremes. Catwoman is a character with a rich comic book history, and my hope is that readers will continue to join us as the adventure continues.

If you ask me, it’s all in good fun. Comic books are a fantasy. They let us have vicarious adventures, sometimes sexual in nature. And these characters, even the legendary Batman himself, are all flawed adults, and they may have pointless, exploitative, indulgent sex every once in a while. It’s not the best example to set for kids, but as we’ve already established, comic books aren’t just for kids anymore.

Oh, and we also get a little more action at the top of the following issue, Catwoman #2, where we see the beautiful contrast of rough, spontaneous violence and tender romance that comes with superhero sex:

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Page 1, panel 4 describes the “filthy language” exchanged between Batman and Catwoman. God I want to hear it. I wonder how many more years before that happens.